Photography Rates

Category Types Up to Images Approx. Products Cost/Product
Footwear Shoes Formal 3 Images 70 + Products Rs 2
Footwear Shoes Fashion (Shiney) 3 Images 70 + Products Rs /-
Apparel Garments With Mannequin 3 Images 70+ Products Rs /-
Apparel Garments (Flat lay/ Table Top) 3 Images 70+ Products Rs./-
Apparel Garments With Model (Without makeup) 3 Images 50+ Products Rs./-
Apparel Garments With Models (including makeup) 3 Images 50+ Products Rs./-
Apparel Saree with Model (including makeup and draping) 3 Images 40+ Products Rs./-
Apparel International Model for Ethnic wear(Without makeup) 3 Images 40+ Products Rs./-
Apparel International Model for western wear(Without makeup) 3 Images 40+ Products Rs./-
Apparel Lingerie (Indian Female/ Indian Male) 3 Images 70+ Products Rs./-
Table top products Non Shiny 3 Images 100+ Products Rs./-
Table top products Shiny / Reflective 3 Images 100+ Products Rs./-
Jewellery Normal 3 Images 100+ Products Rs./-
Jewellery Intricate 3 Images 50+ Products Rs./-
Bags/Handbags Non Shiny 3 Images 100+ Products Rs./-
Bags/Handbags Shiny 3 Images 100+ Products Rs./-
Table top Electronic Products Accessories 3 Images 100+ Products Rs./-
Steel and metal Utensils Shiny 3 Images 50+ Products Rs./-
Home Furnishings This does not include location charges like hotel or studio which may have to be hired for the shoot) 3 Images 50+ Products Rs./-
Bulky Products (Furniture etc) This does not include location charges like hotel or studio which may have to be hired for the shoot) 3 Images 50+ Products Rs./-

Note 1 :— Registration on e-commerce site (To help sellers to register their product on selected e-commerce site). Rs. /- per site (one time charge).

Note 1 :— We help the sellers comply with legal requirements and get TIN / VAT numbers on Rs./ (one time charge).


Inventory Management :— Help the seller to understand their product sale on multiple e-commerce sites, manage on-line sales (like booking & delivery status), updating the product on e-commerce sites.

Rs./- per month and five rupees per product sold.

  1. A) :— Free Registration charges
  2. B) :— Applicable for upto Five e-commerce site)

Additional Services:We provide services like Ads & Marketing, SEO, SEM, which helps sellers to grow their online business effectively.


  • For any extra angle image Rs. will be charged over the rates given above.
  • 50% advance payment to be made and balance before delivery of Images and products.
  • For products like shiny products and Jewelry the above mentioned charges indicate the minimum rates. The final rates would be given on understanding the detail required in the job.
  • Any special props to be used for shoot needs to be provided.
  • The cost does not include any taxes like service tax or TDS.
  • For shoots of more than products we offer an option for shooting on the clients location.
  • We also offer a pick up and drop facility for the products. For this we charge a flat fees ACTUAL
  • The above prices are valid for 7 days from the mail sent date. The prices are subject to changes.
  • Please let us know in advance incase of any preferences for Image angles, otherwise ecommerce portal guidelines would be followed.